The Singularity is a graphic novel that is written, drawn, inked, and colored by Mike Barreiro, with some possible assistance. The story has been percolating in his brain for a long time. During our collective year off due to the Covid pandemic, he has cobbled together a story out of the fragments he’s had lying about for years. It's a dark fantasy set in a parallel universe to ours.

The architect of this fantasy universe is sending out a pair of agents to try and salvage the Arcadian world that the current natives are destroying through willful ignorance. The world is coming to a point of no return, and the architect will not allow the destruction of its creation, even if it means replacing the caretakers with emotionless automatons before The Singularity occurs. The first thing they must do is retrieve one of their brother builders, who is currently serving an eternal sentence inside the singularity of a massive black hole prison named Dudael...